Best Book of the Year.

Daughter of a King was awarded Best Book of the Year Award in 2003 by the Independent LDS Booksellers Association.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Inspiration from an email forward!!

I just came back from a hike with my young womens group! One of the leader's boys went with us and I raced him to the top and to the bottom. We were the first ones up and down! :P It was really fun.
Well, we're not sure if we're going to move into that house I talked about in my last entry. The people don't want to wait for us to sell our house before we buy theirs! They also have another potential buyer. An agent. But they have given us two weeks--if we sell our house before then, we can buy the other one. I hope we do. I've finally come to terms about moving, and that is the house I want!
So, for my inspirational thought of the week, I am just copy and pasting two things I got in forwards that I really liked and were totally true.

Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep.
At least fifteen people in this world love you.
The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
There are at least two people in this world that would die for you.
You mean the world to someone.
Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
When you make the biggest mistake ever, someone good comes from it.
When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look.
Remember the compliments you've received; Forget the rude remarks.

A father wanted to read a magazine but was being bothered by his little girl, Shelby. She wanted to know what the United States looked like. Finally, he tore a sheet out of his new magazine on which was printed the map of the country. Tearing it into small pieces, he gave it to Shelby, and said, "Go into the other room and see if you can put this together. This will show you our whole country today."
After a few minutes, Shelby returned and handed him the map, correctly fitted and taped together. The father was surprised and asked how she had finished so quickly. "Oh," she said, "on the other side of the paper is a picture of Jesus. When I got all of Jesus back where He belonged, then our country just came together."

Saturday, July 14, 2007


We think we've found the house we are going to move into! It is AMAZING! It has a pool, hot tub, huge yard with a volloyball net and a basketball hoop on the driveway. I just really like it. I am going to have to switch high school though, which I wish I didn't have to, but my parents said they couldn't find a house big enough in my current high school area. I actually do know some people from grade school who go to the school I will be going to this year though, so I guess it will be alright. And it's not too far away from my house now. My room is pink and green, which I am going to have to repaint, but my friend Mandy and I wanted to redecorate our rooms together anyway, so I guess it's for the better. We're going to get a horse and board it with this place across the street and a bit for about 150 dollars a month. I'm going to try and get a job there :P.

I don't actually have anything awing or inspiring to write today, just that I'm trying to write once a week and I forgot to on Wednesday. :O haha. Well . . . I found this really funny quote on the internet the other day. It says: "Work. Yeah, I tried that once. The worst seven minutes of my life!" I don't remember who it was by though.

So I guess changing houses isn't really going to be so bad after all. I was making a big deal out of it before and kind of being a brat to my parents and .... well yeah. I still would rather prefer staying in our current house, but since I can't, this new house is going to be pretty great. My friend all don't live too far away, and I will soon be old enough to drive . . . basically it will actually be a change for the better except I'll still be a fan of my old school football teams and all! I like the actual house and yard better and I like that we're getting horses, just not that I will have to go to a different school. So my inspirational message for the day is going to be DON'T BE AFRAID OF CHANGE. It can be really scary (and usually is for me), but sometimes it's actually for the better. So don't be afraid to adjust your life to make yourself or others happier.

I'm going to connect this with the gospel -- we're encouraged to have friends who have our same values, to wear modest clothing, to speak with clean language, and such. So, to connect this with change, don't ever be afraid to change one of these aspects in your life because you're afraid of not being liked, of fitting in, being popular, etc. For one, those things are all temporary, and when you get older, they're not going to matter (ahaha just as I wrote that the song
High School Never Ends by Bowing for Soup ran through my head :P). And also, those it may seem at first that people aren't going think so highly of you if you don't act. . . skanky . . . or hip or . . . whatever else! . . . that's not true. As a general rule, you will be more respected if you have higher values. And remember, the only reason someone would hate you is because they want to be just like you! (I read that in an e-mail once....:P).... well buh bye for now!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Portugal And Such

Wow-- so much has happened since I last got on here! I ended up quitting Cold Stone because of the locoation. I miss it! I also found out just before the school year ended that I still have to take one more math class next year before I'll be finished, because the class I took this year only counted as college credit, not high school. Then school ended and my family went off to Portugal to visit my portugese grandma on my dad's side for a month. I think it was wayyyy too long to be gone. Not only was I missing America and all my friends, but also my dryer and internet! They had internet cafes there with a wireless connection for customers, but you usually couldn't use them unless you brought your own laptop, which I don't have, and I just got tired of having to take the extra time hanging my clothes up to dry. I'm a bit lazy :P.

We went to the beach a lot and I had more allergy attacks than I can count! I'm really tan now though, haha. A couple days after we got back myparents put a "For Sale" sign up in front of our house and made us all clean our rooms and such so she could take pictures. I don't want to move, but it can't be helped. My mom says we won't be moving more than about fifteen minutes away from where we are now, because we need to stay near where my dad works and my little siblings' private school. I'm hoping I won't have to change schools. Plus, it's going to be a pain taking off all the glow-in-the-dark stars off my ceiling :S.

So just one thing I liked about Portugal was how easy it was to get ready in the morning. Seriously! At first, I just didn't want to be there, so I wasn't caring about how I looked and such, but when we went to church for the first time, I got ready and did my hair and make up all nicely . . . .and then when we got there, no girls were wearing make up at all! So it just made me think, I look pretty much like a portugese native, so why am I spending all this time making my face fake when they aren't and still look beautiful? I didn't wear make up the rest of the trip. When we got home, I started putting on my regular make up when getting ready in the morning, and found I hated how it looked. I started trying new styles and such, but now I just feel most comfortable plain, and I like that feeling. All my friends and other people I care about, don't care whether or not I am wearing make up or not, so what's the point in putting it on? They still love me not matter what! It was just a lesson I'm glad I learned.

The most beautiful girl is one who's just woken up from bed and is all crappy looking. It doesn't matter if you don't have dark lashes or big lips, you are still a GORGEOUS daughter of God and don't EVER let anyone tell you otherwise! Anyone who ever makes you feel like you have to dress up or be someone else to be good enough is never worth your time. All the people who care about you in your life will still care about you even when you're not dressed up, so just make sure that's never your number one priority in life. Yea, sometimes it's fun, but it shouldn't be all-important. And I'm glad I got to learn that lesson :). Until next post!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

New Site

I'm excited to finally have this site somewhat functional. We still have a long way to go and have many products and helps to put up that will help all women of every age really internalize their divine importance. We are daughters of a Heavenly King and there is no limit to the good we can do in this world.

Remember who you are!